Support Fund

Support Fund

The HSBC Support Fund (Support Fund)

An HSBC and Bank Workers Charity (the administrator of the Fund) scheme providing support to HSBC pensioners, current and past employees experiencing financial challenges.

What exactly is the Support Fund?

Created together with the Bank Workers Charity, the Support Fund is designed to help HSBC pensioners, current, and former employees relieve their financial strain while dealing with unforeseen circumstances.

Everyone needs help sometimes and we’re here for when you need us. From repairing essential appliances or buying mobility equipment, to equipping your home to meet disability requirements - the HSBC Support Fund could be your answer.

Who can access it and how can I find out more information

The Support Fund is available to HSBC employees and pensioners, as well as their partners and dependents residing in the UK, Isle of Man, Channel Islands, who have experienced events outside of their control – and as a result have had a drop in income or increase in expenses.

To find out if you are eligible, submit an application, or get more information you can reach out in the following ways;

  1. Visit the Bank Workers Charity’s webpage
  2. Call the free and confidential helpline run by Bank Workers Charity on 0800 0234 834 – they’re open 9am - 5pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays)
  3. Email Bank Workers Charity on

What will the process look like

  1. The Bank Workers Charity will be able to discuss your circumstances with you to determine your eligibility, and if you’re eligible will send and application form via email or post for you to complete.
  2. We will then ask you to provide a pension statement or HMRC evidence to verify your bank employment, along with proof of income, housing costs, Council Tax/Rates and water rates.
  3. The Bank Workers Charity will then be able to provide you with an outcome and possible support.

  4. The size of the grant will be determined by the Bank Workers Charity depending on your individual needs. Grants are tax-free and you don’t need to repay them.

Support Fund FAQ