The Trustee Directors recently invited nominations from members of the HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme (the Scheme) who were interested in becoming a Member-Nominated Director (MND) of HSBC Bank Pension Trust (UK) Limited, the Trustee of the Scheme.

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We received a significant number of applications for the role. An independently chaired selection panel was constituted to shortlist and interview prospective candidates in order to select the candidate with the desired skills and competencies and to ensure there is a good mix of skills, perspective and experience on the Trustee Board.

Beverley Horler, a current MND standing for reappointment, was chosen by the selection panel and reappointed as an MND with effect from 1 March 2022 for a term of five years, ending in February 2027.  

The Trustee Directors would like to thank all the candidates for standing.