The Trustee’s approach to ESG risk management

Watch this short video on why ESG is important to your pension

The money set aside by the Trustee to pay your current or future Defined Benefit (DB) pension benefits is invested in things like cash, government bonds (gilts), corporate bonds (company debt) and other income producing assets (such as property). The aim is to ensure that the Scheme has enough money to pay all the benefits it has promised to every member when needed.

The Trustee is responsible for how the money is invested, although the Trustee doesn't manage this directly. Instead, it sets and monitors the investment strategies for the three distinct sections within the Scheme and then appoints investment managers to manage the investments on a day-to-day basis.

Investing for the long-term means managing future risk

When the Trustee sets the investment strategies and chooses the investment managers, it takes a lot of factors into account. This includes the way in which environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues could affect the value of the assets held in the Scheme. For example, if a company has a negative effect on society or the environment, or is poorly run, debt can rise. This would make it more expensive to run its operations, which could result in the company becoming less profitable. However, if a company is well managed and meets a genuine environmental or societal need, the long-term future of the company may be more secure, increasing the chances it will be able to repay all its debtors, including the Scheme.

ESG covers a wide range of issues from climate change through to health and safety concerns, pollution and corrupt practices. As many of these issues may not become evident for years, and possibly decades, a long-term view is required.

ESG is part of the Trustee’s focus today and for the future

The Trustee is focused on protecting members’ retirement benefits. This involves balancing many investment risks, including ESG risks. That's why the Trustee has made managing ESG risk and identifying the opportunities that ESG issues open up an integral part of its approach for the last 10 years. It’s also why in October 2021 the Trustee committed to achieving net zero emissions of greenhouse gases from the Scheme’s investments by 2050 or sooner.

This page sets out the Trustee’s ESG approach and what that means for the Scheme. The Trustee is interested in your views on this approach and will be asking some questions about it in the annual member survey.

View our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) bulletin

We understand that some of this language may be unfamiliar so we've created a jargon buster to demystify ESG.

The Trustee’s approach in detail


View our report on Task-Force on Climate-Related Financial (TCFD) Disclosures

More Information

The Trustees commitment to net zero

The Trustee recognises the need to play an active role supporting the drive to decarbonise the economy. In October 2021, the Trustee announced its commitment to achieve net zero by 2050 or sooner.
View the announcement

Statement of Investment Principles

The Trustee has set out the policy it follows when making decisions about the investments of the Scheme. The Trustee reviews this policy from time to time with the help of its advisers.
Read the Statement of Investment Principles

Annual Implementation Statement

The Trustee reports on how the Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) has been followed each year. The Trustee also outlines any reviews of the SIP that have happened during the year and any voting by the Trustee or on its behalf.
Read the Annual Implementation Statement