The HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme ("the Scheme")
Make your pension work for you

You’re an active Defined Contribution (DC) member of the Scheme, because you’re a current employee and you joined on or after 1 July 1996.
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DC Fund Factsheets
The latest quarterly DC Fund Factsheets and the latest monthly flash report are now available
Make your pension work for you
From your first day working with us, HSBC puts money into your DC pension pot, even if you do nothing. If you also contribute to your DC pension pot, HSBC will put in even more. It’s quick and easy to change how much you’re contributing, and you can change your contributions once a month.
HSBC gives you 10% of your first £27,300 pensionable salary
then 9% of anything over £27,300 up to the scheme earnings cap, currently £186,000.
Plus HSBC will match anything you pay up to 7% of your pensionable salary up to the scheme earnings cap, currently £186,000.
It's quick and easy to change how much you're contributing and you can change your contributions once a month.
HSBC pays most of the fees
HSBC pays the administration and investment management fees for the investment options currently available. However depending on the fund, there may be other investment costs which will be reflected in the price of the fund. These costs are variable and likely to be between nil and 0.2% pa.
See what you get per month
HSBC contributes 10% 10% of your first £27,300 pensionable salary then 9% of anything over £27,300 up to the scheme earnings cap currently £186,000
£ 0.00
Your contribution 7%(adjustable)
£ 0.00
HSBC matches your contribution 7%(up to 7%)
£ 0.00
Total monthly payment into your Pension 24%
£ 0.00
DC Fund factsheets
The latest DC Fund Factsheets are now available on the DC Fund Factsheet page.
More things to consider

Adjust your contributions
Save more to boost your pension benefits and find out about HSBC DCS and our 3 step plan.
View allLatest financial result is now available…
If you have defined benefits in the Scheme, you will want to know that they can be paid as and when they are due.
Policy Statement from the Trustees on the Russian and Ukraine situation
The Trustee of the HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme has considered the current situation in the Ukraine and has taken investment and legal advice.
Notice to Members – change to Trustee Board
The Trustee Directors recently invited nominations from members of the HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme (the Scheme) who were interested in becoming a Member-Nominated Director (MND) of HSBC Bank Pension Trust (UK) Limited, the Trustee of the Scheme.
About your DC pension pot
You can put as much money as you want each year into your DC pension pot, but there’s a limit to the amount of savings the government will let you have tax relief on. The overall limit each year is called the Annual Allowance. Anything that you or HSBC puts into your DC pension pot above the Annual Allowance is taxed at your marginal rate of tax, unless you can ‘carry forward’ any unused Annual Allowance from the previous three tax years.
Also if you make contributions to any other registered pension scheme these will also count towards your Annual Allowance limit.
If you build up a large amount of pension savings over your lifetime, you may reach what is known as the Lifetime Allowance (LTA). This amount includes the value of your pension entitlement built up across all registered pension schemes that you’ve been a member of, not just the Scheme. The Lifetime Allowance (LTA) was the maximum amount that someone could save in their pension without incurring additional tax. The LTA has now been abolished and has been replaced by two new lump sum allowances. From 6 April 2024, the total amount of your pension savings (across all your pension schemes) that can be paid as tax-free lump sums will be limited by the Lump Sum Allowance and the Lump Sum and Death Benefit Allowance.
You can find out more about the Annual Allowance and Lifetime Allowance here.
While you’re working at HSBC, you may be able to transfer some or all of your money to another pension scheme and stay a member of the HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme for future service. Remember, while your DC pension pot is invested in the pension scheme HSBC will pay the administration and investment management fees, but if you transfer your money out your new pension scheme may require you to pay administration and investment management fees.
If you’ve built up pension savings with a previous employer or in a personal pension, you may be able to transfer them into the pension scheme.
The amount of savings you end up with from any transfer-in payment depends partly on how well your investments perform and when you take your DC pension pot.
The HSBC Bank (UK) Pension Scheme may provide DC benefits in a different way from your previous scheme; for example, your previous scheme may link benefits directly to your salary. So it’s worth thinking carefully about whether transferring your pension savings into your DC pension pot will make the most of your money.
For more information about transferring savings from another pension scheme, see the DC member guide, ‘Knowing your DC pension pot’ (2.98MB, PDF) in our Information Centre.
If, while working for HSBC, you want to stop paying into your DC pension pot, you can simply visit My Choice on the My Benefits website. If you opt out, HSBC will stop putting money into your DC pension pot, your own contributions will also stop and you’ll be treated as a leaver. As an opt-out member, you’ll still be covered for the lump sum death benefit, payable through the Life Assurance Scheme. Your spouse/civil partner won’t be eligible for a pension if you die in service.
You can find more information on this under the ‘Leaving the Scheme' section on the Leaving HSBC page.
If you die while you're working for HSBC, your family and dependants could get the following financial help. These include:
- Lump sum death benefit
- Spouse/civil partner’s pension
- Dependant’s allowance
- Children’s allowance
For more information about protection benefits, visit our 'Choose your beneficiaries' page. Or see the DC member guide, ‘Knowing your DC pension pot’ (2.98MB, PDF) in our Information Centre.
Any consideration of a divorcing couple’s assets usually includes pension rights. Our HSBC Administration Team can help if you want more information. Remember to update your personal details if you’re getting divorced or dissolving your civil partnership. You should also make sure your details are up to date on the My Beneficiaries page in My Pension.
If you’re on long-term sick leave or go on maternity, paternity, shared parental or adoption leave, HSBC will continue putting money into the pension scheme based on your pensionable salary. You can keep putting money in as well. The amount you pay will be based on the salary you actually receive during the period of absence, rather than your pensionable salary.
If your salary is reduced (or if you’re not being paid), any benefits that continue to be provided would be based on the notional pensionable salary you’d receive if you were at work.
Check your DC pension pot
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It’s important to keep your contact details current. Update them any time you are on the HSBC network through HR Direct.