Member Charges

The Trustee is required to set out the charges incurred by members during the Scheme year in this Statement. As the Bank pays the DC fund annual management charges, platform expenses and all other administration expenses, the member borne charges are limited to the additional fund expenses incurred by the underlying fund managers in the day-to-day running of the funds for example, custodian fees, with the exception of some legacy AVCs funds (see below).

The Trustee endeavours to ensure that the additional fund expenses are below 0.20% per annum on each DC fund. As at 31 December 2023, the highest additional expenses of all DC funds that were available to members was for the Emerging Market Equities – active Fund, at 0.12% per annum (p.a.).

The Trustee is also required to disclose transaction cost figures. In the context of this statement, the transaction costs shown are those incurred when the Scheme’s fund managers buy and sell DC assets but are exclusive of any costs incurred when members invest in and switch between funds.

The transaction costs are borne by members. The charges and transaction costs have been supplied by Fidelity (the Scheme’s platform provider) and the legacy AVC providers. The charges and transaction cost information has been provided for the Scheme year for the default arrangements and self-select options (but not all of the legacy AVC funds – further details below).

When preparing this section of the Statement, including the illustrations, the Trustee has taken account of statutory guidance. All additional DC and AVC fund expenses and transaction cost figures shown in this section are over the Scheme year. Under the prescribed way in which transaction costs have been calculated it is possible for figures to be negative, where market movements are favourable between the time a trade is placed and it is executed. The Trustee has shown any negative figures in the tables for the year as provided, but for the costs and charges illustrations have used zero where a transaction cost is negative to give a more realistic projection (i.e. the Trustee would not expect transaction costs to be negative over the long-term).

You have four investment options:


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More information

Default investment strategy 

The Trustee has made available a range of investment funds for members. Each member is responsible for specifying one or more funds for the investment of their account, having regard to their attitude to the risks involved. If a member does not choose an investment option, their account will be invested into the default option applicable to them, which is managed as a “lifecycle” strategy (ie it automatically combines investments in proportions that vary according to the time to retirement age). The lifecycles are 100% invested in equities until twenty years from a member’s target retirement age from which point they transition gradually into less risky assets appropriate to the outcome targeted.

Value for money for members 

The Trustee carried out a value for members’ assessment, looking back over the Scheme year to 31 December 2019. The Trustee is required to assess the extent to which member borne charges and transaction costs for the Scheme Year represent good value for members.

Illustration of charges and disclosures costs 

The Sponsoring employer currently pays the AMC platform expenses and administration costs. Additional expenses (“AE”) are covered by members and are those costs incurred in the management of the underlying funds which are, by nature, flexible and therefore fall outside of the AMC. The Trustee has provided an illustration of the impact of the charges and costs on members pension pots for the default options and four funds from the Freechoice range.